Five Daily Foods That Will Keep Your LDL Cholesterol Levels Down

These 5 Foods keep your LDL Cholesterol Levels to a Minimum

Keeping LDL cholesterol levels down is important because when they are high, they can potentially cause a lot of problems. One major risk factor when it comes to high LDL levels is heart disease.
There are also some added risks for heart disease such as a family history of heart disease, smoking, diabetes, previous heart attack(s), artery blockages in the neck, arms or legs, low HDL, levels and high blood pressure.

If you believe you are at a higher risk for heart disease, your LDL cholesterol level should be below 70 mg/dL. Alternatively, if you are not, the healthy average level should be below 130 mg/dL.
To keep LDL levels down you can maintain a healthy diet and exercise right.

Here are five daily foods that will keep your LDL cholesterol levels down:

1. Lentils: Lentils are full of fiber and they are great for removing unhealthy cholesterol from the body. In the same category, Lima, navy, kidney beans and even black-eyed peas are great heart protectors as well. To get a double dose of health, mix red vinegar, balsamic vinegar or olive oil and crushed garlic, and parsley together. Together, it makes a great soupy mix or can be melded together and placed on crackers.

2. Avocados: A vast amount of oleic acid is found in avocados, which is a healthy monounsaturated fat that lowers bad cholesterol and boosts good cholesterol. They are also loaded with fiber as well, which is important for a healthy balanced diet. Adding a few to your salad could boost the amount of immunity-boosting antioxidants within it.

3. Nuts: While you might hear that nuts are really fattening, you should remember that there are a couple of types of fat. Most nuts contain unsaturated and monounsaturated fats which are among the types of fats that anyone can eat and stay healthy because they are not the type that clogs arteries.

Eating about 15 almonds a day is a great way to stay healthy and to keep LDL levels down.

4. Olive Oil- There are many unsaturated fats found in olive oil and it is this type of fat that is helpful in lowering LDL level without affected HDL levels. If possible, try adding about two tablespoons to your foods daily. If you enjoy the flavor, stick to extra-virgin olive oil, as it has more heart healthy antioxidants.

5. Pears- Pears hold a lot of natural fiber and they taste really good too! Just one a day, provides 16 percent of the daily amount of recommended fiber. Keep the peel on for additional fiber.
Fiber is one of the best ways to keep LDL levels low but it is helpful for other things as well. It has been known to lower blood pressure and help to lower glucose levels as well. Snack on these five foods daily to lower your LDL levels and the risk of developing heart disease.

The post Five Daily Foods That Will Keep Your LDL Cholesterol Levels Down appeared first on Complete Senior.

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