Laser Hair Removal Side Effects and Risks

With so much talk about laser hair removal, many people are concerned about if there are any side effects or risks involved in the procedure.

Of course, there is always some type of side effect with just about any product or procedure, the main factor to remember is that side effects do not mean that every person will experience the same effects so you must weigh the pros and cons to make an educated decision. The one thing to remember is that the side effects associated with laser hair removal are rare and when they do occur it is a temporary issue.

Hyper pigmentation is the most common side effect in which white or dark spots will appear on the skin but normally disappear after a few months. This usually only happens with those that have very sensitive skin which can also become a bit crusty. Of course both of these side effects are temporary.

laser hair removalMost side effects associated with laser hair removal are normally due to exposure to the sun or from photo sensitizing medicines. Hyper pigmentation is seen more often in individuals that regularly visit tanning beds. If you use tanning beds on a regular basis, you are not necessarily a good candidate for laser hair removal unless you are willing to refrain from tanning for several months prior as well as after the procedure.

Risks Involved with Laser Hair Removal 

Even though the risks are very rare, you should be aware of what may happen. Skin burns or discoloring of the skin can occur. In most cases, this risk is only seen with unqualified individuals that do not have the experience or education to perform laser hair removal.

After laser hair removal, you will not be given medications or be required to wear a bandage but you may notice a bit of swelling and redness in the area for a short amount of time.

laser-hair-removalYou may notice a bit of stinging for 48 hours after the procedure. For those with sensitive skin as mentioned above you may also notice crusty skin. If this happens you can use Vaseline to help keep the area moisturized.

When looking for hair free clinics it would be in your best interest to visit more than one and ask for references. Always follow through with talking to references to learn what they experienced with the clinic, the staff, and the procedure. Finding the best clinic for the procedure that has experience and knowledge is the best way to ensure that any side effects will be minimal or not at all. Always seek out a qualified, experienced and professional staff so you know you are in the best hands possible.

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