Martial Arts Training Tips to Cut Weight

If you ask any random person about the rules for weight loss, you’re bound to get similar responses along the lines of “diet and exercise” or “burn more calories than you consume”, just for example. But these overarching missives don’t really tell you how to lose weight, which is perhaps why so many people still turn to quick fixes like weight loss supplements and fad diets. We know that these products and practices won’t really aid in our weight loss, at least not in the long term. But trying to figure out a diet and exercise regimen is a lot of work when you have very little information to go on. After all, we live in a society that prizes work over health and pushes fast food as…well…food. However, there are ways to make your transformation easier. And whether you’re an average Joe looking to lose a few pounds that seem to have stubbornly adhered themselves to your midsection or you’re a body builder seeking a new way to cut, you may not have considered the potential benefits of martial arts training when it comes to shedding unwanted weight.

For one thing, martial arts can be fun. Sure, most people start the practice for the purposes of self-defense. But generally speaking, the drills you undergo are likely to tone and tighten muscles that you need for proper posture, as well as offensive and defensive moves. And depending on the martial art you’re doing, how much time you spend training, and the level of intensity, you could lose weight along the way. In addition, you’re likely to enjoy your lessons, either group or individual (or both), a lot more than walking on a treadmill and staring at a wall for an hour every day, or forcing yourself to participate in activities you hate. The hardest part of weight loss for many people is figuring out how to fit exercise into their lives without making it a chore or a bore. Martial arts could be the answer.

martial arts trainingHere’s something to keep in mind along the way, though. In order to lose weight you’re going to have to start with a balanced and nutritious diet that is sustainable. In the beginning you’ll be working with a limited caloric intake (a requirement when you’re losing weight). But in order to speed the weight loss process, you also need to engage in exercise to burn additional calories. The average person maintaining their weight is recommended to commit to 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise 3-5 times a week. If you want to lose weight, you should double the time to one hour. So unless you are participating in other forms of exercise in between, you’re going to have an awful lot of karate practice to complete every week. If you find it fun, though, the time will go by in a snap.

For this reason you should definitely take classes, learn regimens you can practice at home, and find a partner to spar with. This will help to keep it interesting. And if you are committed to relying solely on martial arts for cutting weight, think about taking classes with different schools, such as Kenpo Karate, Jeet Kune Do, Aikido, and East Coast Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, just to name a few. Trying different styles can not only help to keep your muscles responding rather than becoming too accustomed to the same movement, but it can stimulate your mind as well, a part of the weight loss process than many people neglect to address.

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