Understanding Addictions 

Many individuals that abuse alcohol or drugs often have a dual diagnosis such as marijuana, other drugs or alcohol. Before you can really understand if a person you may know is having issues with addictions is to educate yourself on the symptoms associated with the various drugs.

Even though many people state that marijuana addiction is not possible, this is far from the truth. There may not be any psychical symptoms, many individuals still become dependent on the feeling and what is does to the brain. The truth is that once you are dependent even mentally on the drug you will need marijuana addiction treatment in order to overcome the dependency.

If you believe a family member or friend is having issues with drugs or alcohol, there are warnings signs you should be looking for if you want to ensure they receive the help they need.

drug addictionsWith marijuana, you will notice loud talking, red eyes, improper laughing, no interest in normal activities, no motivation, and either weight loss or gain.

Depressants signs such as valium or Xanax include appearing drunk, contracted pupils, no coordination, slurred speech, tiredness, clumsiness, poor judgment, and problems concentrating.

Stimulants warning signs such as crystal meth and amphetamines include pupils will be dilated, euphoria, anxiety, hyperactivity, talking more than normal, sleeping at different hours, may not eat or sleep for days, weight loss and mouth will be dry.

Inhalants like vapors, aerosols, and glues can also be abused. The warning signs include secretions from the nose, impaired vision, eyes will be water, impaired memory, headaches, nausea, sleep, impaired muscle control, irritability, and of course the appearance of several aerosol cans in the trash.

Hallucinogens like PCP and LSD bring on warning signs such as irrational behavior, dilated pupils, aggression, hallucinations, slurred speech, confusion, detachment from others, and strange behavior.

drug addictHeroin signs include no response of the pupils to light, contracted pupils, needle marks, sleeping at odd times, vomiting, sniffling, no appetite, and sweating.

Alcohol warning signs are a bit different which takes a bit more involvement of loved ones to recognize. These include the person will begin neglecting responsibilities such as skipping school or missing work, performing dangerous tasks while drinking such as driving or operating machinery as well as taking prescription drugs along with the alcohol. You will also see more legal problems associated with drinking such as public drunk or driving under the influence. One of the most common signs is that drinking begins to cause problems at home with more arguing and fighting usually do to the consumption of alcohol.

It is important that if you notice any warning signs that you seek to get for your friend or family member. Most be will be denial so it can be difficult to get them the help they need to overcome addiction and abuse of any chemical substances.

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