Learning to play the guitar

Learning To Play The Guitar


For those of you who aren’t musicians, becoming one is both more fun and easier than you imagine. Most of us hesitate to learn to play a musical instrument say like the guitar because we are operating under a lot of false assumptions about how difficult it is to learn how to play the musical instrument. Many of us think that :

  1. I am too old to start to learn music.
  2. I have no musical talent and that I am just not a “musical” person.
  3. I need to learn to read music to play an instrument.
  4. It will take too much time and effort.

Well the good news is you couldn’t have been more wrong on all these assumptions.

If you don’t have musical talent I’ve got good news for you– you don’t need it.

First find a good course or book designed for beginners that is EASY to follow.  And if you are an absolute beginner then you MUST at least get a book to show you the basic chords.

You just need time and you of course need to BUY A GUITAR first. Playing guitar is fundamentally about teaching your fingers to do weird things they aren’t used to doing. That’s it. It doesn’t take a genius. It takes some hours. Set aside 10 hours with the guitar and you’ll be playing some great songs. Promise.

Many people have said that learning to play the guitar have made such a positive change in their life and that picking up the guitar was one of the most important and meaningful decisions they have ever made.

Learning how to play an instrument opens tons of doors:

  1. A quality and productive way to “unplug” and relax.
  2. You’ll enter in to a community of musicians who are looking to jam, sing, write, and take over the world– it’s like learning a new language and culture.
  3. No matter what your race, sex, creed or color you will increase your sexual attractiveness.
  4. Listening to music will become more enjoyable because you’ll start to pull apart the composition– you’ll begin to understand what is going on. (Eventually you’ll start to make your own).
  5. And as a bonus… once you learn your first instrument, the next ones get easier.


Well, just as in learning any skill, there are some good habits to follow.

Here are 7 good habits that we think will be of great help to anyone aspiring to pick up the skill of playing the guitar:

As we all know, learning an instrument can be both challenging and rewarding. It is important to make sure you have solid self discipline and apply yourself.

Because a lot of your practice is at your own pace, you need to develop strategies for maintaining a good work ethic. Here are seven habits that will help you in your journey learning your instrument.

1) Don’t procrastinate. There are always a set number of tasks you have to do when you are practicing. It is easy to put off playing until tomorrow, but you shouldn’t do this. Practice is important; you should get into it as soon as possible.

2) Keep in touch with other musicians whenever you can. If you are constantly in contact with your friends who also play then you will bounce off and motivate each other.

3) Keep moving. Don’t get stuck in a rut, it is important to keep on learning new skills and developing your playing.

4) Use your time properly. Without a regular practice time it becomes difficult to maintain consistency. You should make a regular time to practice so you can fully develop as a musician.

5) Practice in a good work environment. It is important to have a good place for you to practice. You need an environment that is clean and quite so you can fully concentrate on what you are doing.

6) Be comprehensive. You should always be trying to become a complete musician. For this reason, it can be a good idea to keep a list of all the things you need to do to become a complete musician.

7) Know your own work habits. Each person has their own individual way of learning. For this reason it is important to adjust your practice so you can maintain it.

We hope these tips will help you with your practice. Keeping your self discipline is a matter of good planning and goal setting.

And once you have picked up the skill just imagine the thrill of being able to really play the guitar.

Imagine the thrill you would get as you watch your guitar skills getting better and better, every week.

Imagine the joy you would feel from playing along with your friends, or the excitement of playing all your favorite songs.

Imagine the delight on your kids faces as you surprise them with the songs they love.

Just imagine what it would be like if you had the ability to truly express yourself through your guitar; the ability to share your joy of music with the world.

So don’t procrastinate any more and let’s get started.

Need to get a new guitar?



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