5 Ways to Reduce Back Pain While Sitting in An Office Chair

Back pain is one of the most common sources of discomfort and pain. Millions of people suffer from some type of back pain and the pain and discomfort often varies in severity. When it comes down to it, people who work in a chair all day long – most likely hunched over a computer – suffer from the worst back pain. However, there are a number of ways to alleviate the pain, so that when you sit in your office chair, you don’t feel like you can’t get anything done. Back pain can decrease comfortability, but it can also decrease productivity, which can end up putting your job on the line. Here are five ways to reduce back pain while sitting in an office chair.

  1. Make sure that you have the proper sized desk and chair. When it comes down to it, most desks cannot be customized, especially if the desk in in your office and is provided by the company you work for. However, most newer office chairs can be adjusted. If you are too high, you may have to lower the chair so that you aren’t slouching over. You should be able to bend your knees slightly and there should be plenty of room to put your hands on your knees.
  2. Stand up and stretch every twenty minutes or so. Instead of sitting for multiple hours, you want to make sure to get up and get your blood flowing every twenty minutes or so. Getting your blood flowing is important, because you don’t want your back to become cramped and uncomfortable. Most back pain occurs when your back is in the same position for too long. At the end of the day, you will have excruciating discomfort if you don’t move around.
  3. back pain in office chairMake sure to stretch. Stretching is also vital when you work in an office chair all day long. You want to stretch both your upper back and your lower back. There are many different stretching exercises that you can do. You can put your arms up and twist your body. You can stand up and bend over – each time stretching out the muscles in your lower back. Stretching and keeping your back flexible is crucial to being able to avoid back pain.
  4. Get a more comfortable and ergonomic chair. When it comes down to it, it isn’t so much about comfortability, but it is about ergonomics. Having a chair that allows for the best back support is vital. However, the overall chair’s design will contribute to how ergonomic and comfortable the chair is. For instance, you want to make sure the chair back is straight and that the armrests are perfectly raised so as to provide the best overall support.
  5. Get a lumbar cushion. When it comes down to it, the lumbar is usually the part of the back that takes the biggest hit. The reason for this is simple: the lumbar is located around your lower back and if you are constantly bent over or sitting for long periods, it could cause some serious lumbar pain. In fact, The Unwind Company has some amazing lumbar back cushions that are custom built for this exact purpose.

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