Amazing Advancements In Dental Procedures

Dentists have been performing oral surgery for thousands of years.  The first fillings, for example, were henbane seed and mastic, a resin made from plants.  Some cultures even had dental drills a couple thousand years ago. You think dentists today have a bad rap!  Imagine what early patients would think if their dentist had to use a hand drill to clean out cavities and fill them in with glue!  No one would ever go, and they’d be out of a job!

Have you ever seen early models of dentures? The Japanese used wooden dentures.  George Washington’s set of dentures, while commonly thought to be wood, was actually ivory inserted into a severely uncomfortable base with spring hinges.  You know that sort of pouty, lower-lip protruding look he has in so many paintings? They’re a result of his bulky dentures.

Dental Procedures

Fortunately with the passing of time come pretty cool technological advancements, especially in highly-populated, progressive places like Staten Island and the metro NYC area. Check these out to see how far we’ve come.

3-D imaging

It used to be that you, as the patient had to sit very still with some really gross paste in your mouth as a mold were made which would eventually allow for a cast of your mouth to be constructed.  Oral surgeons can also take x-rays, but those are pretty uncomfortable to have done as well.

Now, though, there is some pretty cool technology that allows the dentist to see an amazingly clear picture of your mouth and jawline with far less radiation risk.  It also allows for extremely precise procedures to minimize any nerve damage that could possibly occur.

Synthetic bone morphogenetic protein

This new technology is awesome. There’s a protein that can be used to assist in bone development for reconstructive purposes.  It used to be extracted from cadavers, but the amount that could be obtained was so small, it was virtually impractical to even use it.  Now, however, medical scientists have found a way to manufacture this protein synthetically, and when mixed with the traditional materials used in bone grafting it signals your body to produce bone. It’s a fantastic advancement in oral reconstruction!

Fixed prosthetics

For patients that have complete dentures, there’s some good news.  As you know, normally dentures are completely removable, and if America’s Funniest Videos has taught us anything it’s that they like to fall out at very inopportune moments.  Today, though, there are procedures that make even a full set of dentures much more permanent via anchors implanted in your jawbone that attach to a set of dentures. They won’t fall out when you eat an apple anymore!

Whether you’re looking for some traditional dental work or need something a little more complicated, finding a Staten Island oral surgeon who can perform the work you need isn’t difficult.  You just need to make sure they provide the services you need, and if they offer some more advanced options that’s even better!  The great news is that oral procedures will only continue getting better and more advanced.

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John is an oral surgeon who has years of experience in performing a wide variety of dental procedures.

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