Best Face Forward

Small changes in the face can create the illusion of a different face shape. Some procedures may actually change the shape of a face while others create the illusion of a face shape change. Celebrities are not perfect despite the fact that they appear to. Most celebrities find efficient means of creating actual change. Photoshop may be credited for making celebrities look better than they are, but celebrities far and wide invest in products, services and procedures that are designed to make them more aesthetically appealing. Some are blessed with good genes, but the majority of celebrities simply invest in things that make them look better.

pretty girlEyebrows are one feature of the face that can drastically alter the appearance of the entire face. They can help to create symmetry in the face. Eyebrows can properly frame the face and create balance in relation to other features. For instance, eyebrows that are placed closer together can balance out eyes that are wide-set. Eyebrows that feature a wider arch can help to balance out a strong jawline. Eyebrows that have less of an arch can create a more youthful and triangular face. Despite the recommended guidelines of shaping eyebrows, they can be manipulated in virtually any way to create an individual look. Before removing hair, it may be useful to experiment with an eyebrow pencil to create multiple shapes. Take pictures to view which one is best.

Although people lose weight to make their bodies look better, weight loss creates a dramatic effect on the face. Everyone gains weight in their faces differently. Some people develop a second chin while others show weight gain in their cheeks. However, weight loss from the face tends to open up the eyes to allow more light on the eyes, creates the look of smoother skin and creates a more streamlined face shape. It’s important to lose weight gradually to avoid saggy skin. Choose light healthy meals to lose weight steadily and gradually.

beautiful faceEveryone is beautiful and unique. Each person should embrace their uniqueness, and find what works best for them. Some people look better with pencil-thin and high-arched eyebrows while others look better with thicker and straighter eyebrows. Choose colors that are most suitable to the face. Accentuate prominent features. The most important aspect that people should consider is to stay true to their individuality and find what looks best on them.

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