Canada Seized Three Cocaine Filled Pumpkins

Airport security constantly changes its screening process as criminals create new ways to sneak items onto planes. First the rules changed to no liquids over 3 ounces, then it was all passengers must remove their shoes, and now the latest may need to be gourd restriction.

Cocaine Pumpkins

Security personnel at Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport found three pumpkins in a woman’s bag, filled with cocaine. Each of the three pumpkins was stuffed with over 4 pounds of the stimulant drug, which would have hit the streets if not seized by Canadian police.

Canada Seized Three Cocaine Filled Pumpkins

The woman’s identity has not yet been released, but CNN reports that the female traveler seemed to think she could get away with 13 pounds of the illegal substance given the season of Halloween. Airport security caught the woman and turned her into the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who are conducting an investigation.

This woman is added to the list of 173 drug seizures in 2013 at Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport. 44 grams of cocaine, in 10 separate busts, have been prevented from reaching the citizens of Canada, and possibly the United States.

The Prevalence of Cocaine


This highly-addictive, mind-altering drug is found in every city and town worldwide. The 2008 National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health found that nearly 1.4 million people living in the United States meet the diagnostic criteria for dependence on cocaine within the 12 months prior to the survey. Dependence on cocaine means addiction to the drug.


Cocaine has been popular in Hollywood for decades. Movies have been made about cocaine, songs have been written, one even called Cocaine, by Eric Clapton, and alarming rates of cocaine abuse and addiction continue among celebrities of all types. Most recently, Zac Efron from High School Musical fame participated in rehab for cocaine addiction. Cocaine wasn’t her first drug of choice, but Lindsay Lohan admits she used the drug several times in an effort to drink more alcohol.

Whitney Houston’s death was attributed to cocaine use and heart failure. John Belushi used cocaine to the point of an extremely premature death at age 33. Ike Turner died of a cocaine overdose, and then celebrities like Robert Downey, Jr., Drew Barrymore, and Steven Tyler took steps to battle cocaine addiction and stop using altogether.

Cocaine’s Effects

Cocaine is a stimulant, meaning it gives its user a sense of extra energy, motivation, and self-confidence. When snorted, the most common method of use, cocaine takes effect in a matter of minutes and wears off within 30 to 60 minutes, unless more cocaine is snorted. Because of the quick cycle, cocaine users often want more and more throughout the night to continue the high.

Cocaine overdose deaths are common, along with heart damage, stroke, violent behavior, intense agitation, anxiety, depression, and many other adverse effects. When cocaine use and abuse progress to addiction, marked by loss of control over use, obsession with use, continued use despite adverse life consequences, denial of a problem, and a high likelihood of relapse when cocaine use stops, a person risks his or her life with each use.

Jared Friedman is the quality improvement manager for Sovereign Health Group, a dual diagnosis treatment center with locations in Southern California.

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