Coping With the Stresses of a Property Sale

Selling your property and going through a divorce are said to be the two most stressful scenarios that an individual will go through in their lives. Property sales and moving home, albeit it the second most stressful to divorce, can lead to a lot of upset in the household and general strain on the person that is in charge of finances in the home.

A lot of the time, all you want to do is sell your property quickly, however even in a good market, this is not always easy. You firstly need to bear in mind that estate agents can take anywhere up to 6 months to sell. In that time, you need to deal with buyers stuck in chains, failing mortgage applications, pulling out at the last minute and then all of the back and forth that goes on between yourself and your agent.

Sometimes the best way to sell a house fast is to use a genuine cash buying company – but these are often difficult to find, especially one that has the funds readily available to purchase your home. This can in itself lead to stresses as you may have realised if you have searched for a cash buyer before. The majority of the companies advertising on the internet are scams, they promise you 100 per cent of the market value which they can’t deliver on, they don’t have funds readily available to buy, and they are likely practicing some form of mortgage fraud.


One way to check for a genuine buyer is to see if they are registered with the property ombudsmen. This is a good indication that the company you are dealing with is genuine, and has your best interest at heart.

Avoiding the stresses of a sale.

Remember to always take a break from dealing with the finances of selling your home, if you have a partner ask them to take over for a while to give you a break. If your property has particularly been on the market for a long period of time, you may want a break from the entire situation – therefore, a mini holiday may help you. If you can’t afford to go abroad you could consider a caravan break in the UK, or failing that you could even stay with a friend or relative in a different town.

Take time to yourself and hit the sauna. A good sauna is great for de-stressing and can help alleviate the issues that you are currently facing. The gym is also a great way to unwind and will help you create endorphins which make you feel happy.

At the end of the day, just remember ‘it’s just a house’ and your health is most important. So take time off, do the things that you want to do, and don’t get upset about it.

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