Foods that Can Reduce Your Risk of Developing Diabetes

The CDC estimates that over 8% of the population suffers from diabetes. Medical providers have warned that the prevalence of diabetes will increase further if people don’t make serious changes to their lifestyles. They are trying to encourage their patients to exercise more and change their diets to reduce the risk. Here are some foods that can help fight diabetes.


A recent study from the University of Cambridge found that eating yogurt could help reduce the risk of developing diabetes. The study tracked the diets of over 4,000 participants over the course of 11 years. Over 750 of the participants suffered from Type 2 diabetes.

The study analyzed the amount of dairy that all participants consumed. It also followed specific types of dairy products that they ate over the timeframe. The study found that people that ate yogurt regularly were less likely to suffer from diabetes. You may want to consider making your own type of yogurt with ingredients such as these to make it even healthier.

The study wasn’t able to show a clear cause-and-effect relationship, but the correlation was very clear. The authors pointed out that yogurt is a rich source of a number of nutrients that appear to reduce the risk of diabetes such as calcium and magnesium.


A 2013 study from Brigham Women’s Hospital found that apples could be one of the best fruits for fighting diabetes. This was one of the most comprehensive studies on the relationship between diets and diabetes. It tracked nearly 190,000 people between 1984 and 2008. Approximately 12,000 of those people developed diabetes during that timeframe.

prevent diabetesThe study paid close attention to the overall number of fruits that subjects ate, as well as consumption of specific fruits. The research showed that people that ate some fruits were significantly less likely to develop diabetes. People that ate apples and blueberries could reduce their risk of developing diabetes by as much as 24%.

The study clearly indicated that eating raw fruits was a good idea. However, it also showed that drinking fruit juice on a daily basis could actually increase the risk of contracting diabetes by over 20%. This shows that substituting apple juice for the fruit itself could be counterproductive for people trying to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.


Cinnamon has also been shown to be a great food to help reduce the risk of developing diabetes. A recent study from the Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland found that consuming as little as half a teaspoon of cinnamon every day could help boost insulin production considerably.

The study also showed that cinnamon was helpful for people that had already contracted Type 2 diabetes. Many people that were suffering from the disease showed significant improvements after consuming cinnamon for 40 days.

Green Tea

People with high levels of inflammation are considerably more likely to develop diabetes. The primary reason for this is that body has a more difficult time absorbing sugar if blood vessels are constricted.

A number of studies have shown that green tea can help improve circulation and reduce the risk of diabetes. Drinking green tea can also help people with diabetes reduce their risk of developing heart disease.

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