How To Prevent & Treat Excessive Sweating

There’s nothing worse than having sweat run down your body even though you’re not hot or feeling nervous. Millions of people find themselves sweating more than normal and have a hard time having a social life. If you are someone who suffer from excessive sweating you most likely want to know how to sweat less.

Drink Water

Before we talk about how to treat this problem we need to learn how to prevent it. One of the best things you can do to treat this problem is to drink as much water as possible. When you drink more water it will help your body stop from sweating by keeping it well hydrated.

Stop Drinking Alcohol & Caffeine

Both alcohol and caffeine are known to make the body sweat more than it should. If you can’t completely stop drinking alcohol and caffeine then try to cut back on how much you consume daily.


The human’s body is known to sweat more when it is under a lot of stress. In fact, some people have noticed that their excessive sweating significantly reduced once they learned how to lower their levels of stress. Some techniques you can implement to reduce your stress levels and stop excessive sweating include meditation, yoga, and exercising.

While doing the above things will help to prevent and reduce how much sweat, they won’t cure the problem. To really treat this problem you need to attack the root cause of the problem. Excessive sweating is known as hyperhidrosis in the medical field. Hyperhidrosis is either caused by another condition, injury, or due to genetics.

excessive sweatingIn order to treat this problem you need to learn what condition is causing you to sweat and then treat that condition. If you are experiencing excessive sweating due to genetics then there might not be a cure for your excessive sweating condition.

However, there are a number of treatments you can take advantage of to stop sweating too much.

Sage Tea

Sage is a herb that can be steeped in boiling water to create sage tea. Sage tea will stop sweat from developing by blocking your sweat glands.


Burdock is another herb that is known to help stop excessive sweating by getting rid of excess fluid and toxins in your body. Make a burdock tea and drink it a few times daily to stop your body from sweating uncontrollably.

Tea Tree Oil

The deodorizing and antiseptic properties in tea tree oil can help stop sweaty armpits and other areas on your body that sweats too much.

These are some of the best natural treatments for hyperhidrosis. You must be patient and continue to implement these treatments to not only stop excessive sweating, but also stop the condition from returning. Also, make sure you implement the preventative measures outlined above.

It doesn’t matter how good you treat the problem, if you don’t try to prevent the condition it will always continue to make your social life a tough thing to deal with. Even though this problem is very prevalent, with the right treatment it’s possible to keep it under control.

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