How to stay young at heart

As we get older we need to come to terms with the changes in our lives. Old age doesn’t mean that you need to stop living; it might just mean that you need to change your outlook on life. Staying young at heart and in your mind will help you to live a happy life, sometimes dwelling on death is the worst thing, and without those worries you will enjoy what you have left in your life that much more.

Here we have gathered up some top tips for staying young at heart, making your later years the golden years and living happily.


Throughout our lives we are told to exercise so it’s no surprise that the same rule still applies when we get older. It keeps your body healthy and gets your blood pumping, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a chore or a hard slog. You can take up anything from dance classes to yoga with friends and family, a gentle swim also helps to exercise the whole of your body. Even if you use mobility aids you can still get involved with swimming as most public pools have the facilities and training to help you get the most out of the pool. Remember that if you smoke and drink excessively the more complications you’ll get so try to limit these as much as possible.

Brain training

young at heartAs well as keeping your body fit and active you should also keep your mind as sharp as possible. There are a range of things you can do to achieve this, every little piece of mental activity helps to keep your synapses firing and your instincts sharp. Reading, doing the crossword and even organising your schedule of activities helps to sustain your cognitive abilities. If you think you can keep up with the technology there are some great video games available which test memory skills and puzzle solving skills specifically to give your mind a boost.


In our old age there is more time to socialise, not only will the planning of events and activities with friends and family benefit your mental strength but it can bring peace and joy to surround yourself with those you care about. Settling old differences and relieving yourself of any guilt or worry when it comes to the past will help ease your mind and give you more people to treasure and appreciate. It can be as simple as having lunch with friends at the local café or a day out at the park with the grandchildren, it all helps you live life to the fullest and appreciate the people around you.


Your outlook and attitude towards your later years can influence how much enjoyment you get out of them. We all carry regrets and grudges but these things will only hold you back, instead of dwelling on the negatives of life or your own situation you should be more positive. Find the little joys in life to make each day special. Explore as much as you possibly can and look at the glass as being “half-full”, it’s an old cliché but it works. Your baggage will only compound your situation so embrace your life, don’t worry about wrinkles and don’t fear death itself. Live every minute and do the things you always wanted to try like painting or a particular sport.

When you combine all of the above you will have started on a path to truly embracing your old age, it’s never too late to change your attitude.

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