I Had My Baby 4 Months Ago And I Still Can’t Lose The Baby Weight, Help?

Plenty of women have trouble with losing the stubborn baby weight after pregnancy. All bodies differ in size, shape, and how they deal with hormonal changes in the body and losing weight.

The Reality

 Magazines have always made it the front cover page when an important icon or celebrity becomes pregnant. The authors keep the public up to date with the most detailed descriptions with an emphasis on how the celebrity physically looks, especially after the baby is born. Most of these celebrities are shown to have lost their baby weight almost instantly, but this isn’t reality for most women. These women most likely are provided with a personal fitness trainer who specializes in toning the body back to normal after a pregnancy. But the normal public must deal with and rid of the baby blubber by pure motivation, hard work, and the correct form of exercises.

To Tone

The focus of the baby weight resides in the stomach area. Because crunches help tone the abs and aid to flatten the belly by strengthening core muscles, most women believe that this exercise should do the trick. However, there are certain ab muscles that permanently stretch once a woman is pregnant, and doing crunches puts a strain on this muscle that might cause it to stretch further. Instead, it is recommended to sit up straight, keep the shoulders back, and tighten the belly towards the spine as if one was wearing a corset. Even something as simple as posture can aid in toning the body.


It is best not to start vigorously exercising immediately after delivery of the baby. The doctor should tell someone when they should be ready for postpartum exercising, which is generally six weeks after delivery. After the doctor gives the okay, working on posture first is key. Then it is easier to work into the routine of daily exercise. There are plenty of exercises to choose from, but a few examples are the reverse curl or the scissor lifts. Both engage the abs work the core muscles. Along with exercise, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet. Sticking with a new diet and way of toning the body may be difficult at first, but it is key to losing the baby fat on the body.

Tone And Diet

Toning slowly but surely is the healthiest way to lose the baby weight. It wouldn’t be healthy for a woman to go on an irrational, unhealthy diet, especially if they are breastfeeding. Eating fruits and vegetables rich with water such as celery, and potassium-rich foods aid the body with getting rid of excess water. It is recommended to avoid carbonated beverages, eating foods high in salt, and eating certain foods such as broccoli that may just cause the stomach to bloat and have gas. Cardiovascular exercise is important as well; it healthy for the body overall, but really kicks off the baby weight with even just a power walk. Anything that will boost the metabolism will help as well. Losing the baby weight may be difficult, but progress starts with baby steps.

About Author 

Rachel is a professional mommy blogger. She currently writes for Mommy Edition, a site that focus on topics such as post pregnancy, parenting, children, relationships, weight loss or any subjects that matter to mums.

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