Marketing Your Practice

If your practice is struggling and you are not making any money you need to step up your marketing. Remember marketing for plastic surgeons is just as important as marketing for any other business. You need to get your practice noticed by the public to help increase your business.

Marketing Strategies for Plastic Surgery Practices

A plastic surgeon’s practice cannot be successful if they do not have steady patients coming in. There are many marketing tools that plastic surgeons can use to increase and maintain their clientele. When patients first come in be knowledgeable and understanding. New patients are usually very apprehensive about surgery; make sure to put them at ease by giving them all details of their plastic surgeonexpected procedure. Have patient testimonials from past patients telling about their experiences. Also, make sure to spend enough time with your prospective patient going over their expectations for their procedure, any questions they may have, or erasing any doubts they have about having the procedure. Make sure to give equal attention to all patients. If a patient is having a small procedure today your extra attention will put them at ease and they may have other surgeries in the future. Follow through with procedures; make sure to give the patients exactly what they want.

If you do not give a patient what they are expecting, they will find another surgeon and tell everyone they know about the bad experience they had. Word of mouth is the best marketing tool, as long as the patients are speaking highly of your facility. Offer incentives to come back such as coupons, give discounts for multiple procedures done at once, or give discounts for touch up procedures. Giving patients incentives will make them feel special and they will want to keep using your practice. Make sure to tell your patients about other procedures you think they may benefit from. Once a patient trusts you they will listen when you tell them about other surgeries that may enhance their body.

Make sure to have someone in your office performing cold calls. Cold calls are calls made to past patients who have not been into your facility several years. Call to check up on their progress and they may want information on touch ups or other procedures they have been researching. Another good program to incorporate is a referral program. A referral program would consist of giving your current patients a discount or money every time you do a surgery on a patient or a new patient makes a consultation appointment they refer. Another area that is often overlooked is your business website.

plastic surgeonsMake sure your website is user-friendly and has a large amount of information regarding all different types of plastic surgeries. Another great marketing tool is having an area on your website for “shout outs”. “Shout outs” are compliments patients can leave regarding their experience with the surgeon, your staff, or about the surgeon’s performance. Making sure your patient has a positive experience can ensure they will tell other prospective patients about your

facility. A plastic surgeon practice can use several marketing tools to help pick up the traffic in their office. Making sure to keep existing patients happy and spending time making connections with prospective patients will help to ensure your facilities success.

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