Medical Hypnosis: 5 Major Health Benefits

For many years, hypnosis has been widely viewed by the general public as nothing more than a magic trick. But ongoing research conducted in the field of hypnotherapy has proven that the power of suggestion, meditation, and relaxation can play a role in both psychological and medical applications, potentially helping patients in a number of ways. And while hypnosis won’t work the same way for every person, and it won’t work at all for some patients, it can produce a variety of desired benefits for those patients that are willing to give it a try and buy into the process. You might not know a lot about hypnosis, and you may be skeptical about what you stand to gain from undergoing hypnotherapy, but if you’re looking for a supplemental treatment that will help you to cope with a medical condition, you should definitely talk to your doctor about the possibility of adding hypnosis to your regimen. Here are some of the health benefits you may enjoy in the process.

  1. Relax. Any time you’re dealing with a medical condition, contemplating treatments, or recovering from injury, illness, or surgery, you will likely find yourself dealing with a lot of stress. And as you may or may not know, stress can exacerbate your condition, leading to additional problems and even extending your anticipated recuperation period. Although researchers are still struggling to determine the ways in which stress negatively impacts human health, studies have shown that it can stifle the body’s immune response, spur sleeplessness, and lead to depression, just for starters, all of which could be detrimental when your health is already failing. If nothing else, hypnosis can act as a form of meditation that helps you to relax and reduce stress, promoting better health in the process.
  2. medical hypnosisReduce pain. It should come as no surprise that studies have been conducted on the ability of hypnotherapy to deal with pain; those who suffer from chronic pain conditions might be willing to try almost anything to cope, and the prospect of avoiding addictive narcotics and surgeries that come with potential risks and unknown rewards has got to be appealing. As a result, hypnosis has been found to have positive indications for those dealing with chronic pain conditions, as well as patients undergoing treatments or recovering from injuries and illnesses.
  3. Speed healing. While hypnosis won’t exactly prompt your body to go into overtime on the healing front, it can give you the tools you need to heal expediently. It’s not always easy to consume the nutrients your body needs to heal or get adequate rest when you’re dealing with the pain and anxiety associated with medical procedures and conditions. But hypnosis can help you to get past these issues so that your body is primed for the healing process.
  4. Weight loss. Totally aside from helping you to deal with medical issues, hypnosis can improve your health in general, and one area in which the practice is gaining traction is weight loss. Losing weight is all about calories in and calories out, but eating is not just about consuming the calories our bodies need for energy. It’s also a social activity, it is sometimes associated with reward, and we may even overeat out of defiance. You can be your own worst enemy when it comes to losing weight, derailing yourself without even realizing you’re doing so. In this case, you can use specific achieve awareness hypnosis to help you get in the right state of mind to shed pounds and get healthy.
  5. Change bad habits. One area in which hypnotherapy has shown a lot of promise in recent years is in the realm of addiction and bad habits. There’s no guarantee that this form of treatment will help you to quit smoking, drinking, or taking drugs. But once you’ve gotten the addictive substances out of your system, the real battle is changing your mental state and reversing the habits that could lead you back to addiction psychologically. If you want the best chance to leave self-destructive and unhealthy habits behind, there’s no reason not to give hypnosis a try.

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