Recovery and Pain Management of Arm and Hand Tendinitis

It is possible for those using computers for a long time or engaging in irregular repetitive movements using arms and hands to suffer from tendinitis. It is something many detest especially if unusually painful. Tendinitis is described as tendon inflammation, basically the elastic tough fibers connecting bones and muscles. Any tendon can develop tendinitis although it usually takes place around the arms and hands.


Pain is the first symptom that hits you hard followed by some initial swelling, needles, pins and numbness sensation. The arms and hands then develop serious pain and soreness sometimes waking you up painfully in the middle of the night.

Resting as a first line of defense

Arm and hand tendinitis mostly occur due to overuse and the first line of defense is resting from all activities that might have caused the tendinitis. However, our arms and hands are always in constant use and it is something almost completely impossible. However, ensuring you have rested as much as possible is very important. In case the PC is the culprit, you might want to do less work with the keyboard.

Ice packs can also be used including gel packs freezable and available in various stores so that the arms can be iced. In fact, with cold packs, the pain and swelling can be relieved fast.

Preventing tendinitis recurrence

You must know that strengthening the muscles ensures that tendons do less work, a very useful process in the prevention of tendinitis recurrence. Various methods can be used to manage the condition such as exercise plans involving stress release and stretching such as yoga.

For individuals with chronic arm and hand tendinitis, they might have found stress is a culprit in its recurrence; exercises that help the body to relax and stretch can really help those suffering from tendinitis.

Management of the condition

As such, tendinitis cure is yet to be found but managing the condition is the best way of dealing with it, especially for those always engaging in daily exercises. Stress management and exercising will ensure tendinitis has been managed for years to come.

You will however find out that hand surgeons are sometimes called in to manage tendinitis and other conditions such as carpal tunnel and arthritis. This is especially so if they make it hard for one to carry out certain daily tasks, such as fist related tendinitis creating lots of issues within the area of employment. Lots of industries out there are usually the culprit when it comes to tendinitis around the arms, palms, fingers and hands at large and are very common.

Industry based

Those who work in factories, construction and carpentry will find their work conflicting with their body in most cases. The result can be tendinitis out of carrying the same things occasionally, affecting the joints while making the different movements involved quite painful. As the condition develops the joints are inflamed, tender and swollen to touch. From the joints some heat sensation could arise with the surrounding skin sometimes red in color.

Those working in labor based industries should be very keen concerning the symptoms so that they can know when something is happening to their arm and hands.  A repeat of the same motion can be avoided by moving and lifting items through different methods. Also, proper stretching is important before you even start working with heavy objects so that the joints can be loosened up.

Office based industries

Those who type for a long time on PCs or other duties in the office where the arms and hands are highly in use are under threat of developing tendinitis. In fact, carpal tunnel can also develop if you work for long hours on a PC, the result being hard to execute movements, tingling and numbness around the area of the palm.

Chiropractor can be of great help when recovering from such injuries and one such renowned chiropractor is Dr. Dusting Young a Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner from Texas A & M University. Connect with Dustin on Facebook for log on to his website at

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