Sight Loss Superheroes: Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Omega 3

eye healthWe are all feel the need to lose some of it at some point and we are often told that it is not good for us but believe it or not, without fat our bodies cannot function correctly.


It is vital that we take every care to look after our eyes and it should be remembered that if we deny our body the proper kinds of fat in our diet, then the health of our eyes will suffer as a result.


Benefits of Omega 3


The fatty acids found in Omega 3 contain important nutrients that are considered to be critical for encouraging the normal production and functioning of cells, muscles, nerves and indeed our organs.


A national Eye Institute study that was conducted in 2009 found that people who ate oily fish at least once a week, which is of course an excellent source of Omega 3,  reduced the risk of developing macular degeneration by as much as 50% compared to participants who did not consume a regular intake of Omega 3.


It has also be shown through various studies that regular consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids can also help to reduce the risk of dry eyes. You can now get contact lenses without a prescription and in addition to this, you can look after your eyes by making sure that you either take regular supplements or just enjoy a delicious meal like grilled salmon at least once a week to help prevent the possible onset of any problems with your vision.


Lutein and Zeaxanthin


Our eyes are susceptible to macular degeneration and cataracts, particularly so as we get older, so it is important that we make every effort to keep our eyes functioning correctly and as healthy as possible, which can be achieved through good nutrition.


Lutein and Zeaxanthin are compounds generally referred to as xanthophylls, the main thing you need to know is that they are yellow pigments that occur naturally in many plants and vegetables. The purpose of Lutein and Zeaxanthin in nature is to absorb excess light energy in order to prevent plants from being damaged by too much sunlight.


As well as being present in many leafy plants, fruits and vegetables, there are also high concentrations of Lutein and Zeaxanthin found in the macula of the human eye. Their function is the same for humans as it is for the fruit and vegetables, to provide protection from harmful light reaching the underlying structures in the retina.


Many people consider that they need to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in order to maintain a healthy body but not many are particularly aware of the need to consume nutrients such as Lutein, which actually play a key role in providing long term eye-health benefits.


You would not be alone if you had not heard of some of these key nutrients before but as you only get one pair of eyes throughout your life, it makes sense to give them as much care and attention as possible.


Good nutrition and regular consumption of vitamins and minerals will go a long way to maintaining as healthy eyes as possible throughout your life.


Michael Anderson is a holistic health coach of many years. When he’s not at the office helping his clients, he likes to share his insights by blogging on the Web.

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