Technologies That Can Help You Sleep Better And Stay Healthier

We all know how important sleep is as it can revitalize our bodies and allow our brain to sort out all the information received throughout the day. Sadly, there are plenty of people who are unable to get quality sleep resulting in sleep deprivation. This deprivation can lead to high blood pressure, weight problems and a poor immune system.

Completing the recommended eight hours of sleep each night can be quite difficult due to our hectic work schedules and fast paced lifestyles, and sometimes that eight hours of sleep may not be what it should be to keep you energized the next day. Fortunately, there are technologies today that are designed to help us get the quality sleep we need and investing in them is definitely something that should not be ignored.

Quality Sleep

  • CPAP Device

People with sleep apnea can be treated with a continuous positive airway pressure device or CPAP device. This device uses air pressure to push the tongue forward to open your throat, so that air can pass through it. This will reduce snoring and prevent apnea occurrences. The device must be placed whenever it is time to sleep or whenever you nap. Though the device can not actually cure sleep apnea, it can certainly help you sleep better when used accurately.

  • Dreamate

This utilizes acupressure techniques to gently massage a certain area called the sleeping golden triangle located on your left wrist. When you use the Dreamate at least 30 minutes before going to sleep, you learn to retune and reset your biological clock so your body trains to relax and sleep. The sleeping golden triangle must be massaged gently so that your body can cool down in order to decrease stress levels, cool down and encourage sleep.

  • Anti Snoring Pillows

Anti snoring pillows are designed to help stop snoring and provide maximum comfort for quality sleep. The inner pillow is created to be thinner than the edges so that your head is properly aligned with your spinal column whatever your sleeping position may be. The pillows are available in standard sizes, white and with a variety of fillings covered with anti-allergy materials.

  • Sleep Software Solutions

Mobile applications are now available for various models featuring soothing audio playlists that can help you sleep better. Most of them are customizable so you can set them according to your needs. Moreover, these apps offer a variety of features and it can analyze and monitor sleeping habits so you know the causes your sleep disturbances.

  • Mattress Technology

Various mattresses are now being offered for quality sleep and they are available in different levels from soft to firm. They are also made from various materials for comfort, convenience and proper body support. One of the popular mattress technologies is offset coil mattresses that are suited for anyone of any age. According to Parklane Mattresses, an expert mattress manufacturing company in Oregon, “Offset Coil mattresses are also excellent support systems: these are very sturdy and stable innersprings! In fact, the Offset Coil is the best component for providing support and proper spinal alignment while you sleep. Offset Coil mattresses can fit the needs of any sleep style when paired with one of our comfort layers, including memory foam, latex, or high density foams.”

  • SleepMate

This sleep aid device generates white noise wile masking the unnecessary noise of your surroundings that can prevent you from sleeping well. In the past, televisions and electric fans were used to create white noise, but these can be inconvenient and also add to energy costs.

  • Snore Stopper

Just like a watch, this device has to be worn on your wrist at night while sleeping. The device can determine when you snore by the noise generated, and then stimulate your wrist nerves prompting you to change your sleeping position for you to stop snoring. Since the stimulation will work with your sub- consciousness, your wrist or any part of your body will not be harmed and you will be woken.

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Valerie Collins is a freelance writer specializing in health and well being issues. She offers advice on how to sleep better, information about the latest apps and devices used to encourage quality sleep and the effects of poor sleep on health and relationships.

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