Top 3 Natural Remedies For Headaches

Nobody is exempt from headaches. Tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraines – everybody has experienced at least one of these in their lives. Some are even unfortunate enough to experience one or more of these frequently.

There are many factors that can trigger a headache. From noise, pollution and certain types of food, to stress, dehydration and lack of sleep. Luckily, there are also many remedies for headaches. And the greatest thing about it is there are many effective natural remedies you can easily incorporate into your daily routine while maintaining your healthy lifestyle.

Here are the top three natural remedies to headaches:

1. Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil have been proven to help reduce swelling and inflammation which in turn also helps reduce the occurrence of head pains and prevent triggers to migraines. Research shows that fish oil can help prevent certain bodily actions that trigger migraines through the prevention of constrictions in the blood vessels. Aside from decreasing the occurrence of migraines studies have also shown that fish oil reduces the severity of the attacks.

These Omega-3 acids are not naturally produced by the body though. So it is important to consume foods high in Omega-3s or, more simply, use Fish oil supplements for a convenient and easy solution. Having an adequate amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your body can reduce the occurrence of swelling and inflammation which will reduce the incidence of headaches.

2. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, otherwise known as pyridoxine, is a vitamin that helps build antibodies the body needs to battle diseases. It is also needed for the production of neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine – which are responsible for sending messages through the brain.

A deficiency in Vitamin B6 can contribute to the development of headaches and migraine. Low levels of serotonin have been found in those who regularly experience migraines. This is why many experts advise individuals with low serotonin levels to take Vitamin B6 to help reduce the occurrence of headaches.

3. Magnesium Oil

Magnesium is an abundant mineral in the body. It is needed to perform vital body functions including the production of energy. It also plays an important role in different bodily processes like the contractions of muscles and the maintenance of a stable heart rhythm. There are some people though who lack the needed amount of magnesium in the body and this can trigger a variety of health conditions like migraine. By having the correct level of magnesium in the body this can lessen the occurrence of these health problems.

This is where magnesium oil comes in. Studies have shown that regularly taking magnesium supplements have positive results in the management of headaches and migraines. They also help relieve headaches by relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

If you are experiencing headaches and migraines regularly, it can be a sign that the body needs help in producing natural minerals or chemicals that aid in maintaining health and well-being and reducing these health conditions. The body may also need help in treating aches and pains to relieve an individual of the discomforts they are feeling. There are many effective natural health products that help in both of these health goals. When it comes to headaches, Fish oil, Vitamin B6 and magnesium oil – these are the top natural remedies that can help you reduce the occurrences and the severity of these health conditions and live well.

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By Debra Wright

Debra Wright enjoys a multi-hyphenated identity. She is an online marketing specialist, writer, cat lover, and aspiring cupcake critic. Wright’s articles about health and beauty draws on her passion for learning and dedication to share her discoveries to others. Get updated on what she’s discovering now @debrawrites

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