Top Health Supplements For Men & Women In 2014

Although I wasn’t surprised, I was rather shocked by some fitness facts and statistics that I recently read on the website for the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition.


On a web page simply called “Facts & Statistics”, it states that Americans typically exceed their recommended calorie intake levels on a daily basis.

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Obviously there is a great need for people to have a healthy, balanced diet rather than succumbing to the temptations of junk food and supersized meals.

According to Biosynergy, even if you are considered healthy rather than obese by the medical fraternity, you could still be lacking in certain vitamins and nutrients which your body so desperately craves.

If you think that you might be one of those people, here are some of the top health supplements that men and women should consider taking in 2014.


The great thing about multivitamins is that they literally contain a number of different vitamins (obviously)! You should be aware of one fact though, before you head off down to your local store to buy some, and that is there are different multivitamin products on the market.

They don’t all contain the same types of vitamins within each pill, so you should determine which product best fits your needs. For example:

  • Vitamin A is good for promoting good eyesight;

  • Vitamin C is good for keeping your immune system in check;

  • Iron plays a huge role in the development of red blood cells;

  • Calcium helps your bones stay strong.

Folic Acid

Also known as Vitamin B9, folic acid is typically taken by pregnant women as it is important for the development of a healthy fetus and helps to prevent conditions such as spina bifida. But what many people don’t know is that it can also be taken by men too, as it helps to lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.


Now I personally never heard of boron before until someone mentioned it to me the other day, so I did some research, and it turns out boron is good for maintaining testosterone levels in men, and it helps to reduce prostate cancer.

In fact, I would highly recommend all men everywhere take boron supplements as it is well-known for reducing the risk of prostate cancer by up to 65%; do a Google search if you don’t believe me, as there are thousands of medical journals online which corroborate this!


This essential nutrient plays a crucial role in human reproduction as well as thyroid hormone metabolism. It is also an antioxidant and is even used in anti-dandruff shampoos would you believe!

Large concentrations of selenium can be found in brazil nuts and tuna fish, but if you don’t eat either then a selenium supplement is going to be right up your street.

Note: before you consider taking supplements such as the ones listed on this blog post, you should consult with your doctor first as having a high intake of some vitamins and nutrients can actually have an adverse affect to your health.

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