Simple Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp as You Age

Easy Tips to keep your Mind Sharp

Keeping a sharp mind, as you grow older is crucial, especially if you are trying to avoid the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. There are easy ways that you can prevent memory loss and degeneration of your brain cells. Read on to find out how you can keep your brain sharp, as you grow older.

Take Regular Walks

Being physically active is something that should be done regularly and simply walking daily can keep your body fit. Walking is good for your heart and lungs. By lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke, you can prevent your chances of getting dementia. Exercising is the key and it doesn’t have to be strenuous. For 30 minutes a day, you can walk, bike, do yoga, or garden, which can be just as effective as going to a gym.

Stay Social

Meet up with a friend for coffee every now and then. Staying social has shown to be beneficial to brain health. There are two reasons why it is believed that this helps. First, because it keeps your mind working by having conversations strengthens the brain cells’ connections and second, it stimulates brain chemicals and reduces depression, which can lead to dementia.

Learn Something New to Keep Your Mind Sharp

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks couldn’t be any less true in this case. Learning something new is a great way to stimulate the mind and get it active. You can do something like learn how to paint, study yoga, or anything else that you haven’t done before and requires a more focused concentration.

Cook Meals with Your Grandchildren

Another way to be social and keep your mind sharp is to cook up some recipes with your grandchildren. Whenever you’re cooking up a dish, you can ask them to help you prepare it. Do this with fruit and veggies with dark skin, like spinach, kale, strawberries, and blueberries because they have lots of antioxidants, which are good for you and children. Nuts are also a good snack to have because they have Vitamin E.

Play Wii Sports Games

Wii is a great video game to play because it allows you to be physically active. You can play sports games like bowling, tennis, baseball, boxing, and many others right in your living room. You can also test your brain with quizzical games like Brain Age, which is on the Nintendo DS portable device. This means you can play it anywhere.

Go to a Brain Gym

Brain gyms are a new concept that is quickly growing. You can find them throughout the country now. Here, you can get a cranial workout using computers that have programs that are packed with mental exercises that boost neuroplasticity or the brain’s ability to make new neural connections. This will help to prevent dementia as well.

Offer Homework Help to Your Grandkids

It’s been a long time since you’ve done any grade school work, so getting your brain cells worked up can be done by helping your grandchildren with their homework. Helping with a critical thinking piece for a literature project could really get your brain going.

Keeping your mind sharp is easy, just follow these tips to help ward off Alzheimer’s and dementia.

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