5 Effective Ways to Stop Clenching and Grinding Your Teeth

If the last time you went to the dentist, they told you that you have a habit of clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth, that’s definitely a habit that you want to break. Not only could it lead to you having a sore mouth and feeling serious pain in around your jawline, but it could also result in you losing tooth enamel too. The good news is that there are some effective ways to stop doing both things; ones that don’t cost a lot of money that you can add to your daily routine.

If you’d like to know about some of the best ways to stop clenching your jaws and grinding your teeth, we have provided you with five really helpful tips below:

Eat better. There are many studies which indicate that jaw clenching and teeth grinding are directly associated with levels of stress within our bodies. Something that you can do to keep your anxiety levels down is to eat certain foods that combat stress. Some of them include avocados, blueberries, nuts, turkey and oranges.

Give yourself a mouth massage. If you’ve ever had a massage before, then you know how much it can calm you. Well, have you ever thought about giving yourself a mouth massage? Before you go to sleep tonight, try spending five minutes gently rubbing your jawbone in a circular motion. You just might be surprised by how much better you’ll feel throughout the night and especially after you wake up the next morning.

teeth clenching and grindingLimit your alcohol consumption. Here’s something that just might surprise you. Although there are a lot of people who feel like a glass of wine at night actually helps them to relax, that’s only partially true. The reality is if you drink so much that you become intoxicated, it could actually hinder your sleep and make it challenging for you to get the rest that you need; and sleep deprivation is one huge cause of stress. There’s nothing wrong with having alcohol. Just try and avoid drinking so much that it leaves you feeling tipsy, especially late at night.

Invest in a night guard. If you were to consult with a dental office like Embassy Dental about some dental tips that can prevent you from clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth, one of the things that they would probably recommend is that you look into getting a night guard. It’s something that you can put into your mouth at night to prevent your top and bottom teeth from grinding against each other. It’s best to get one from your dentist because they will know how to customize it in such a way that will be comfortable for you.

Pay attention to when you do it. Now that you are more aware of jaw clinching and teeth grinding, it’s a good idea to pay close attention to when you do it. For instance, do you do it most while you’re typing on your computer? Or maybe it’s while you’re doing various chores around the house. Or perhaps it’s when you’re in a serious conversation. By staying on top of your “triggers” that will help you to ultimately break the habit(s). For more information on jaw clenching and teeth grinding, contact your local dentist.

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