5 Simple and Effective Tips for Better Posture

When you were growing up, you probably recall your mother telling you to stand (or sit) up straight so that you could maintain good posture. Well, now that you’re an adult, have you ever stopped to think about all of the benefits that come with having good posture? Not only does it cause you to look younger and more confident, but good posture can also help to relieve tension headaches, decrease signs and symptoms of fatigue and also help to prevent back pain.

So, if you’re curious to know about some of the simple and effective things that you can do in order to improve your posture, we have provided you with five great tips below:

Do stretches each day. Something that every single part of our body needs on a daily basis is exercise. And since most of us spend hours on end sitting at a desk and typing on a computer, it’s important to do some stretches first thing in the morning. So, before you leave for work, devote about 15-20 minutes to do things like lying on your back and pulling your knees to your chest and twisting your body from left to right. Also, try lifting your shoulders up to where your ears are and squeezing them together. By doing all of these things for a count of five, 5-10 times each, you will be more flexible throughout the day.

better posture tipsSit in your chair correctly. One of the best things that you can do for your posture is to sit in your chair correctly. Here are a few tips: Make sure that your back aligns with the back of your chair all the way down to your buttocks. Check to see that both feet are planted firmly on the ground. And keep your shoulders aligned, as much as possible, at all times.

Use ergonomic furniture. Something that more and more people are investing in is ergonomic furniture. The reason why is that it’s specifically designed to complement your back, shoulders and neck so that you can work comfortably throughout the day. And there are studies to support the fact that the more comfortable you are, the more productive that you will be. Some websites that feature ergonomic furniture include Human Scale, The Human Solution and Relax the Back.

Take breaks throughout the day. If you’re sitting in the same position, basically doing the same thing, for hours on end, that alone is going to cause you to feel a bit of tension. The good news is that there is a simple thing that you can do to relieve it: take breaks. Just by taking out a minute or two a couple of times each hour to stand and stretch out your legs and arms can reduce some of the internalized stress that can creep into your back region and make it harder for you to sit correctly. So yes, in order to maintain good posture, mini-breaks are an absolute must.

Invest in an exercise ball. Do you work in a pretty casual environment? If so, ask your boss if you can replace your chair for an exercise ball. The reason why is because if you were to consult with the Conquest MD Spine Care and Sports Medicine about things that you can do in order to improve your spine health, they would probably tell you that one of the best ways to stretch out your back and improve your posture is to sit on an exercise ball. It’s an inexpensive way to keep your spine in good condition. If you’d like to purchase one for your job or home, you can at Amazon, Target or Wal-Mart.

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