Brazilian Wax And Its Hygienic Purposes

Woman About to Receive a Waxing Treatment

Brazilian waxing has been popularized by the HBO TV series; “Sex and The City.” Furthermore, it has even put the old-fashioned bikini wax to shame. Years ago, a lot of ladies would just want a “landing strip,” a thin top to bottom strip down the middle of the pubic mound.

However, most of the ladies today would choose to have all of their unwanted hair removed and be as smooth as a doll. Brazilian wax is a treatment in which most, or all of your pubic hair is wiped off. This includes the pubic hair around the very delicate skin of the anal cavity, inner labia (for women), and testicles (for men). Furthermore, Brazilian waxing should not be a frightening experience– especially when you’re under the hands of the expert.

In case you’re interested to experience the thrills of Brazilian waxing, here are some of its benefits.

Brazilian Waxing Is Hygienic

During a Brazilian wax, the pubic area is dealt with extreme precaution and care. Your pubic area is the region where hair accumulates germs that could cause unpleasant odors. Waxing your entire pubic region will wonderfully lessen the possibility of these problems. (Shaving on the other hand, could cause ingrown, bumps, and itchiness).

It Lessens The Effect Of Sweating In Your Erogenous Area 

The area between your legs perspires a lot. Considering that you have pubic hair, the bacteria can nestle around your mound. Through Brazilian waxing, you can avoid this problem since the perspiration will be directly absorbed by your underwear instead of your pubic hair. and it eliminates the risks of bacterial infection.

Aesthetically Seductive

Many men find a Brazilian wax provocative. In one poll, 91% of men admitted that they think it is more inviting and erotic. Some even say it’s more sensual , and ladies claim that they experience intense orgasms after a Brazilian waxing session.

The Result Is Long-Lasting

A Brazilian wax would only take at least 15-30 minutes of your time– which is pretty quick. Although, you’ll feel a quick sting in the beginning but it’ll be over before you know it. Just think of the end results. The effects of Brazilian waxing can last for 1-2 months as opposed to shaving that only lasts for a day. The reason behind this is, the hair is pulled from the hair follicle or root, instead of just cutting it at the level of the skin (with shaving). As you get used to the process , any displeasure that you might have experienced during the first session will eventually disappear every time you get one done. An added benefit to this is, your hair would grow back finer and thinner.

The Possible Side Effects

If Brazilian waxing is done by a professional, you wouldn’t experience any forms of irritating side effects nor discomfort. Although, it’s inevitable to expect a little soreness for a few hours after a Brazilian waxing session– but that should be it. If your skin is very delicate you may be red for one whole day.
On the other hand, if it was carried out by an amateur, the unwanted effects can be more severe. If you happen to be sore for more than a few hours, chances are, some of your skin has been removed as well. You might even remain sore for up to a week and have a scab.

To wrap it all up, Brazilian waxing is one of the greatest services that you could ever experience. It will eliminate shaving for a month and leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. Shaving would no longer be an option after a Brazilian Waxing Session.

Elizabeth Harper, the writer, loves to share her ideas about fitness, beauty and fashion. She is a spa owner for five years and uses her interests in providing better services to her clients. She also gives the best tips in best spa treatment so visit Dyanna Spafor more ideas

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