Not Yet An Alcoholic But Almost There: Problems And Treatment Methods For Heavy Drinkers


Many people think that only alcoholics need treatment and/or rehabilitation. But the truth is that many crimes and accidents are alcohol-induced and the result of sporadic heavy drinkers who may not have reached “alcoholic” proportions but are just as disastrous as if they had.

Two Types of Drinkers

The identified true alcoholics are those who cannot stop drinking and have the compulsion to drink. They indulge in it even when alone and have to hide the excessive alcohol consumption from family and friends. Other elements include frequent blackouts wherein the person can’t remember the previous day’s events and having several brushes with the law for drunk driving and violent acts caused by drinking.

On the other hand, the other drinkers are the ones who do not meet the criteria for the diagnosis of an alcoholic as set by psychiatrists. They have successful careers, get good grades in school, go home to dinner with the family and function well in other aspects of their lives. Then they have a glass or two of wine every night to unwind. Soon, that glass becomes a bottle…and more.

These are the drinkers who have a respectable image in the business they work in and in local society. They enjoy the company of friends and colleagues with a few drinks. At home, when all the tasks for the day are done, they feel entitled to a bottle or two to relieve themselves of the pressures of the day.

Legal, Psychological and Physical Effects

Although not technically an alcoholic, problems can arise from these frequent instances of hitting the bottle. One serious consequence is being stopped for possible DUI and being made to take a field sobriety test. According to the lawyers at these tests are subjective and can be challenged in court. But even if the lawyer can get them off, it should be a wake-up call for all drinkers, alcoholic or not, not to drink and drive.

Constant alcohol consumption can lead to other conditions that are not healthy.

  • It depresses the brain’s function and lowers inhibition. Consequently, emotions, thoughts and judgment are impaired leading to inappropriate actions and statements.
  • Depression creeps up insidiously and gradually increases.
  • There is a persistent feeling of always being tired and sleep is interrupted
  • There are irrational outbursts of anger that become more frequent.
  • The libido decreases, usually having a negative effect on the intimate relationship.

Aside from the psychological adverse effects that heavy drinking produces, the physical health is at risk, too. Liver cirrhosis, mental acuity, cardiovascular diseases and a host of other illnesses befall drinkers at some point in their lives.

Treatment Options

Treatments are medication and behavior therapy. A new drug, nalmefene, (trade name Selincro) claims to inhibit the desire for alcohol by 61% but only if it is taken in conjunction with counseling. It is available in some European countries but not yet in the United States. Doctors and psychologists anticipate its potential for a more effective rehab than total abstinence.

Non-pharmacologic intervention is helping the drinker find healthier and safer ways of coping with everyday stress and maintaining balance in the face of new challenges. Joining self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous has been proven effective, as claimed by former alcoholics.

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Marie Miller is an occupational safety specialist and includes heavy drinking as an unsafe practice.

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