Improve Your Oral Hygiene: 5 Tips For Healthy, White Teeth

Today, there are a lot of teeth whitening procedures and products available, including whitening toothpastes, gels, rinses, trays, and whitening products from a dentist. Teeth whitening procedures administered by professional dentists can help individuals with healthy teeth and gums get the dazzling smile they’ve always wanted. However, this procedure is not recommended for everyone. There are some cases wherein dental whitening procedures and products result in tooth sensitivity and pain.

If you want to improve your smile by whitening your teeth, you should first find out whether dental bleaching is right for you. If you don’t want to undergo chemical treatments, there are simple and natural techniques that can help restore the sparkle in your smile.

To Bleach Or Not To Bleach?

90% of patients have a successful dental whitening procedure. Generally, stained teeth respond well to whitening; however, brownish-colored teeth don’t usually lead to desired results. Patients with grey-stained teeth from smoking won’t see huge changes after tooth whitening.

In addition, bleaching will not enhance the appearance of your teeth if you’ve had bonding or tooth-colored fillings in front of your teeth. The bleach won’t change the color of the filling; therefore, you will end up having uneven colored teeth. You can ask your dentist for other options and seek their advice. For example, if the dentist discovers that you have sensitive teeth or you have gum disease, he may discourage tooth whitening. Click here to learn more about teeth whitening and other dental procedures.

Tips For Achieving Whiter Teeth Naturally

The first step to achieving healthy, white teeth is good oral hygiene. This means you should regularly visit your dentist. Keep in mind that health and beauty go hand-in-hand. If something is healthy, it will look beautiful. If it is unhealthy, no amount of white teeth will make it look appealing. Aside from practicing good oral hygiene, here are a few natural home remedies that you can do to achieve whiter and healthier teeth and gums.

White-Teeth Diet: Keep in mind that the kind of food you eat will reflect on your teeth. For instance, if you regularly drink red wine or black tea, or if you are a chain smoker, expect that your teeth will start to stain and deteriorate. With that said, if you eat or drink dark food, it will stain your teeth. To get pearly whites, avoid food and drinks that might stain your teeth and seek a recommendation from your dentist for a good dental bleaching agent.

Eat Crunchy Fruits And Vegetables: These types of food are abrasive enough to lift stains from the teeth; therefore, it helps keep the teeth whiter. You should consider munching on apples, carrots, or celery because they have enough abrasiveness to clean the teeth without harming the enamel.

Cheese, Milk, and Yogurt: According to latest studies, eating a small amount of cheese after a meal can prevent tooth decay. It also promotes enamel re-mineralization. Aside from cheese, milk and yogurt are also excellent diet that can enhance your oral health and keep your teeth free from cavities because they contain minerals, calcium, and phosphorous.

Gargle With Apple Cider Vinegar: You should do this every morning then brush your teeth thoroughly. The apple cider vinegar will help remove stain, kill bacteria from your mouth and gums, and helps whiten teeth. Be careful with using this remedy because it may damage the enamel.

Use Alcohol-Free Mouthwash: You can always buy an over-the-counter mouthwash that doesn’t contain alcohol. Alcohol will dry your mouth; thus, it becomes more vulnerable to bacteria. To be safe be careful with choosing a mouthwash. Better yet, ask your dentist which alcohol-free mouthwash will help kill bacteria and promote good oral health.

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Kris Hopkins has been writing for health and wellness websites. She occasionally offers tips for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

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