Start Off Your New Year Right: 5 Things to Do for Your Health This Winter

For many people, Jan. 1 means a fresh start. Millions of people make health-related resolutions for the New Year, promising to lose weight, quit smoking and hit the gym more often. And while most people start strong, studies show more than half of people who make resolutions don’t maintain them after six months. The percentage of people who actually reach their goals is even smaller. According to one study, a mere eight percent of people who vow to lose weight actually achieve their goal weight by the year’s end.

There are a number of theories as to why New Year’s resolutions don’t stick, the most common being the goals are too unrealistic. While resolving to work out seven days a week is admirable, it’s not always practical and will most likely lead to burnout and frustration in short order.

That’s why it’s important to set manageable goals for getting healthy in the New Year. In fact, some of the best things you can do to get your health on the right track take only a few minutes, but pay huge dividends. Best of all, they are so easy to do you can accomplish most of them in just a few days, giving you a sense of accomplishment to kick off your New Year on a positive note.

Make an Appointment for a Checkup and Preventive Services

Paying a visit to your doctor and checking on important health indicators like blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar can help you identify potential health issues before they become serious problems. Visiting your doctor when you’re healthy also gives him or her a baseline measure of your overall health he or she can use to evaluate you later on if something does appear. If you are due for certain preventive services, such as a mammogram, Pap smear or prostate exam, get those taken care of as well.


Review Your Prescriptions With Your Doctor to Determine If Changes Are Necessary

Just because you’ve been on a particular medication for a while doesn’t mean it’s the best one for you. There may be something new on the market, or a more affordable or effective option you haven’t considered yet. When you see your doctor, review the medications you’re taking and discuss whether you should consider making some changes. If you’re using a prescription discount card like the Afford RX Coupon, your doctor may be able to prescribe you medication that fits both your health and budgetary needs.

Get Important Vaccinations

Most people think of vaccinations as something children need, but even adults need protection against infectious diseases. Ask your doctor which vaccinations he or she recommends; for example, if it’s been 10 years or longer since your last tetanus shot, you may need a booster. Depending on your age and health, flu, pneumonia and shingles vaccines could be on the list as well.

Assess Your Lifestyle

One trait shared by those who succeed in meeting their goals was they made getting healthy a lifestyle choice. Instead of making a blanket proclamation — losing 50 pounds, for example — they committed to smaller lifestyle changes over the course of the year. To maintain your health, look at your lifestyle and identify places where you can make healthier choices. For example, cutting down on soft drinks or taking the stairs at work are small changes that can pay off big rewards. Look for the “low-hanging” fruit you can address and take small steps toward better health.

Update the Medicine Cabinet

If you are like many people, your medicine cabinet probably contains expired or out-of date medications. To ensure you have the medicine you need when you need it, and to protect your family, clean out your medicine cabinet at the start of the year and remove anything that’s no longer safe to take. Dispose of old medications properly; many pharmacies will take old meds, or take the expired drugs to a community collection site. Make sure you have basic first-aid supplies, pain relievers and cold remedies, and that everything is properly stored and labelled.

Making positive changes to your health doesn’t have to take a long time or involve expensive equipment, gym memberships or a strict diet. Simply handling some basic tasks will get you on the right track and keep you there throughout the year.


About the Author: Meredith Faherty writes about home, lifestyle and health for several blogs.


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