Common Conditions Treated With Acupuncture

When you’re suffering from aches, pains, and/or illness, you’re first thought is likely to call your doctor for a check-up so that you can get some relief. This could entail tests, prescription pharmaceuticals, physical therapy, appointments with specialists, or even surgical procedures. But you may eventually discover two things you dislike about western medicine. For one thing, it tends to treat symptoms rather than causes, which could leave you with recurring or worsening health problems. And secondly, the treatments can be even worse than whatever ailment plagues you. You can’t deny that cancer is bad, and it will likely kill you without some intervention. But the damage chemotherapy and radiation cause are no picnic, either. The point is that you may be looking for an alternative to western medicine, or perhaps supplemental treatments. And homeopathic methods could suffice. Along those lines, acupuncture is one method of healing you might want to consider.

If you’ve been raised on western medicine, you might have trouble buying into the possibility that getting stuck with dozens of tiny needles could do any good at all. And in truth, not all practitioners are at the same level. In some states, certification can take no more than a few weeks. But when you find a practitioner that is well-trained, highly skilled, and experienced, you’re bound to get a lot more out of the process. But what types of conditions can be treated with acupuncture? How do you know if it’s right for you and your particular ailment?

acupunctureYou might be surprised to learn that nearly any condition, including physical, mental, and emotional ailments, can be treated through acupuncture. Obviously, there are limits. You don’t want to rely on acupuncture to work in place of anesthesia during surgery, for example. And in all honesty, it should only be used in a supplemental capacity for serious disorders like heart disease, cancer, AIDS, and so on. That said, there are many conditions that can be treated with acupuncture. It is often used to treat situations where recurring or ongoing pain is a factor.

If, for example, you suffer from back spasms, migraines, joint pain, and residual aches related to an accident or injury, acupuncture can act as an ideal form of treatment. Chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis may also improve with acupuncture treatments. It can treat digestive disorders like nausea (which is why many chemotherapy patients use it, in place of more pharmaceuticals), as well as bladder and kidney infections. And even asthma and allergy sufferers may benefit from acupuncture. Some people use it as a last-ditch attempt to overcome infertility.

But acupuncture treatment isn’t just for those suffering from physical disorders. It can also be indicated as a treatment for issues like anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, and more. And the best way to find out if acupuncture is right for you is to visit a specialist at a facility like XU Clinic to have a consultation and perhaps give it a try. A certified practitioner can tell you if acupuncture is indicated for whatever health concern you’re dealing with and give you an idea of what to expect from treatment. This holistic treatment is designed to put your body back in balance, and the goal is to get to the source of your problems in order to prevent further issues. So if you’re fed up with western medicine or you’re at the end of your rope with other treatments, there’s no reason not to give it a try, provided you find a qualified practitioner.

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