As you were growing up, there’s a pretty good chance that you heard one of your parents (or grandparents) say to you, “You know, you’d better brush your teeth. You don’t want your teeth to fall out, do you?” And while for most of us, skipping out on brushing or flossing our teeth every now and then didn’t meant that our teeth didn’t remain intact, there’s a pretty good chance that if we didn’t practice good oral hygiene, what it did do was lead to the beginning stages of gum disease; something that is otherwise known as periodontal disease. When that happens, certain things can transpire within our mouths that, if are not treated, can very well lead to tooth loss.
So, in order to make sure that you are able to keep your gums nice and healthy, we wanted to give you some common signs and symptoms of periodontal disease below:
Bleeding along your gum line. Perhaps one of the most obvious signs that you may have periodontal disease is if you have unexplainable bleeding along your gum lines, even if you notice it while you’re brushing your teeth. When this happens, it’s usually because there are toxins within the plaque on your teeth that has bacteria inside of it that’s irritating your gum tissue. It’s definitely an indication of gum disease developing in your mouth.
Redness and swelling. Any time that you notice redness or swelling on any part of your body, that is usually an indication that there is an infection present somewhere within it. The reason why you don’t want to ignore this when it comes to your gums and teeth is because over time, it can cause the infection to go into your bloodstream and cause other health issues. So, if you notice either one of these signs and brushing and flossing do not relieve them, make an appointment with your dentist.
Gum recession. If you’ve looked into the mirror lately and it seems like some of your teeth are longer than they used to be, it’s not because your teeth are growing. It’s probably because your gums are receding. Something else that periodontal disease does is eat away at the tissues that compromise your gums which can cause them to ultimately deteriorate.
Pus. Although pus is a clear indication that your body is trying to fight off some kind of bacteria in your system before it becomes a nasty infection, if you happen to notice some of it in between your teeth, that is cause for concern. Pus is simply not something that you should have inside of your mouth. If you see some, you should see your dentist as soon as possible.
Bad breath. If you were to ask the Premier Dental Group about some less gum disease symptoms , one thing that they would probably mention is bad breath. Although it can be attributed to all kinds of things like eating onions or garlic or smoking, when there are small particles of food that are lodged along your gum line, that can cause bacteria which can result in a foul odor as well. So, if you notice that no matter how much you may brush your teeth, you still have bad breath, it could be one more indication that you could be at the beginning stages of periodontal disease. For more information on periodontal disease, visit your local dentist as soon as possible.
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