How To Sterilize Baby Bottles

Mothers that breastfeed do not have to worry about milk that is contaminated. If the mother is healthy and always bathes daily, breast milk is always fresh and includes all the needed anti-bodies to kill germs.

When a mother chooses to use a baby bottle in order to feed the child, the proper anti infection protection is not obtained. Cleanliness becomes extremely important whenever you use baby bottles and sterilization is highly necessary.

Before The Child Is Born

Before the child is born you need to buy a good set of nipples and bottles. For instance, you can try Avent bottles. Even if some of the baby bottle might seem expensive, you cannot afford to try to save money in this case. Go for what is best and realize that what is best does count a little more! Try to go for the bottles that are larger sized since babies do grow faster than mothers expect.

Buy A Bottle Sterilizer

Many different baby sterilizer types are available on the market. There are some simple and cheap models that are put inside the microwave. In this case, the huge advantage is that you do not pay a lot of money. The disadvantage is that you have to always clean the microwave properly, especially when you cook food that is spicy so that the stomach of the baby would not be upset. In addition, we are faced with limited portability. You can imagine that you cannot travel with your microwave.

corbis_rf_photo_of_bottle_sterilizationAn alternative to the regular baby bottle sterilizer is the electric one. You basically wash the bottles and then put them inside a plastic tray, which will be put inside a sterilizer. In this case you have to read the instructions offered by the manufacturer. You will be tempted to add more but that should not be done. We say this because water needs to evaporate completely after turning to steam. If water remains, the sterilizer would not be useful and germs can appear.

The main advantage of the electric sterilizer is that it will practically clean itself. You will also like the fact that you can easily take it with you on any trip. The one disadvantage that you should be aware of is cost. These sterilizers will always cost more.

You can also consider the use of a hybrid baby bottle sterilizer that stands out as a regular electric model that also allows you to put the inner container right inside the microwave. In this case you basically gain access to all the advantages mentioned above but the price tags are a lot higher. Not many people can afford these sterilizers.

Choose A Suitable Baby Sterilizer

Take all the time that you need in order to find a suitable baby sterilizer. Remember that we are talking about the health of your baby. This is the most important fact that needs to be considered when you choose. Never hurry the choice process since you would end up with problems that you surely do not want to be faced with.

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