Should Tea Be Considered For Cancer Prevention?

Cancer stands out as a huge concern at the moment since the number of people that fell victims to the disease is growing. It is now more important than ever to learn as much as we can about prevention.

One thing that may seem surprising is the influence of tea on cancer prevention. Recent studies highlight the fact that there may be some benefits that have to be taken into account. We will talk about this so that we can understand whether or not the consumption of tea can help in preventing cancer.

Important Things About Tea

Besides the dietary benefits of green tea and other types of tea, we should also know that all teas include polyphenol compounds. These are antioxidants and can be quite important in cancer prevention. There are different clinical trials that were done and that brought in inconclusive results but that may be due to the variability that appears in tea consumption, tea compounds bioavailability, genetic differences, lifestyle differences and tea preparation.

How Is Tea Supposed To Help Prevent Cancer?

The most important polyphenols that you would find in green tea are ECG, EC EGC and EGCG. There are also thearubigins and theaflavins in all black teas. The chemicals that we mentioned include a very useful free radical scavenging action that will protect your cells from potential DNA damage that is caused by different reactive oxygen species.

The tea polyphenols are supposed to help inhibit cell proliferation of a tumor nature while inducing apoptosis. Great results were highlighted in laboratory tests done on different animals. Tea catechins were also shown to inhibit the tumor cell invasiveness and angiogenesis.

teaThe green teas have been proven to activate different detoxification enzymes with quinine reductase and glutathione S-transferase as the main ones. This is something that can help protect against the development of tumors.

Most of the potential tea beneficial effects are connected with the really strong tea polyphenols antioxidant activity. However, we do not have any proof of the exact mechanism that would help in preventing cancer. Anyone that tells you that some products have been proven to prevent cancer development is just telling you lies and tries to convince you to buy some sort of product. Do not fall for such a scam.

Is It Recommended To Use Tea To Prevent Cancer?

The National Cancer Institute (NCI for short) is basically a research based institution. It works hard in developing research conclusions based on real evidence so that they can properly be interpreted. The authority of the institute is high and it should be said that NCI does not currently recommend anything about dietary or medical interventions.

The bottom line is that there is no real evidence that highlights the cancer prevention characteristics of tea. However, we do have to take into account the fact that there are many different benefits that are associated with almost all tea types out there. Read all that you can about health on blogs like Health Annotation and see what real specialists say about the benefits associated with tea consumption.

By Neli Dzhingarova

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