What is Actos?

Actos is an oral diabetes medicine administered to patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes. It is a prescription drug containing the active ingredient pioglitazone hydrochloride which was first introduced in 1999 for type 2 diabetes treatment was found to control blood sugar levels effectively.

Potential danger from use of Actos:

Several studies link the usage of Actos with increased chances of developing bladder cancer and an enormous number of patients has been the targets of danger from this drug. In June 2011 US FDA issued a drug safety alert warning that taking Actos for more than one year may lead to an increased risk of developing bladder cancer. Further on Canada’s health safety agency also issued a similar health safety warning. This stated that diabetes patients prescribed Actos for treatment had a doubled risk of bladder cancer compared to diabetes patients who had not taken Actos as part of their treatment. It was noted that even short-term use of Actos could increase the risk of bladder cancer. Takeda’s ongoing research on this matter revealed a definite bladder cancer risk associated with prolonged use of this drug. Subsequently this drug was banned in France and Germany, but continued to be administered in the U.S.A with a bladder-cancer warning.

Bladder Cancer Litigation and Takeda Pharmaceuticals

The Actos Lawsuit Organization represents the victims of Actos and their families. Patients who took Actos and developed bladder cancer allege that there was an insufficient warning regarding the increased risk of bladder cancer associated with the medication. Pending lawsuits claim that Takeda valued the billions of dollars the company earned each year over patient safety. Currently there are more than 3000 Actos Lawsuits against manufacturer of Actos, and claims are expected to increase in 2014. Injured patients are outraged by reports that Takeda may have withheld important health and safety data regarding the harmful side effects of Actos. In spite of countries like France, Germany and Canada setting restrictions on access to Actos, the FDA still hasn’t recalled the drug.

actosExperienced tort attorneys can help provide Actos users with a free case evaluation. Law firms that are familiar with this type of litigation can help victims with filing their claim. Long term Actos users that are suffering from bladder cancer symptoms, or patients that have been diagnosed with bladder cancer may be entitled to compensation. Current lawsuits have been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation (MDL) based in Louisiana, California, and Illinois. Law firms across the country have enabled victims to join together in MDLs for quicker and more effective legal proceedings, but the cases are handled on an individual basis. This helps to ensure that each case is heard separately so each patient is eligible to receive individual compensation rather than a class action lawsuit which would divide a settlement equally between all bladder cancer victims.

Current Status of Actos Litigation

Committees are in place to handle Actos claims throughout the U.S. and courts have been assigned to deal with the litigation process. The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation has consolidated several claims into a single multidistrict litigation in the U.S. District Court for Louisiana. The first trials are scheduled for November 2014.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Bladder Cancer?

It is important that patients seek medical treatment if they are experiencing the following bladder cancer symptoms, and visit WebMD for more information on Actos Medication.

  • Frequent Urination
  • Blood or Discoloration of Urine
  • Pain during Urination
  • Abdominal Pain

Contact the Actos Lawsuit Organization for more information regarding Actos lawsuits.

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