Top 5 Spinal Surgery Preparation Tips

Spinal surgery can be intensive and it can be a major shock to your body. Not only can the surgery take a long time, but it can also be extremely painful afterwards. Not to mention, the recovery process can be intense – sometimes taking months of physical rehabilitation. There are a number of reasons why spine surgery may be important. For instance, surgery to treat fused discs may be important to reduce further problems with the spine and to reduce chronic pain. Moreover, an athlete may have spinal surgery for a broken back or issues with spinal discs, which can be caused from years of strenuous physical activity. Yet, most doctors say that the recovery process starts before the surgery. Here are five spinal surgery preparation tips.

  1. Build muscle and healthy fat. Before you undergo an intensive spinal surgery, you want to get your weight up. You also want to bulk up and strengthen your muscles. The stronger you are before the surgery, the stronger you will be during the recovery process, which can ultimately help you heal faster. So, you may want to schedule some more time at the gym or hire a personal trainer a few weeks before your surgery.
  2. spinal surgery preparationDo your research about the surgery and the recovery process. It can help to know exactly what the surgical process is and what the recovery will be like, because it can put you in the emotional and physical mindset to be completely prepared. So, you want to consult with doctors, do your research online and you may want to ask other people who have undergone the same surgery. Most spinal surgeries can be big ordeals, so you want to know exactly what you are in for. The last thing you want is to be completely unprepared.
  3. Find a good physical therapist. You should be undergoing physical therapy only a few days after your surgery. After a more intensive spinal surgery, it may take longer, but you can ask your surgeon or doctor when you can start undergoing the rehabilitative process. No matter what, though, you want to start meeting with various physical therapists, because you want to find one that you can work closely with. The last thing you want is to be working with someone that you don’t get along with.
  4. Speak to an anesthesiologist. About a week before your surgery, you want to speak with the person who will be administering your anesthesia. This is important, because you want to discuss what kind of anesthesia you will be given. Depending your circumstances, a few will be recommended and your anesthesiologist will discuss with you all the pros and cons of each one.
  5. Don’t eat or drink the night before. Right before your surgery, you are advised not to eat or drink anything. The reason why surgeons recommend – and sometimes require – individuals to fast is because they want you have an empty stomach. Having a full stomach can present the risk for pulmonary aspiration, which is where stomach acid and contents enter the lungs. So, make sure to heed your surgeon’s advice and warnings, because you don’t want to complicate such a delicate surgery.

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