Top 5 Tips for Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth With Braces

There is a common misconception that you only need braces when you are younger. However, the truth is that you can get fitted for braces by an orthodontist at any age. In fact, our teeth aren’t permanently fixed in place – they are moving around every single day – ever so slightly. If you have braces, there is a good chance that you are dealing with the challenges of maintaining them. For instance, cleaning can be one of the hardest parts of taking care of your braces – mainly because food gets stuck in your braces more easily. There is also a higher chance of getting cavities when you have braces, which is why brushing and flossing is critical. Here are the top five tips for brushing and flossing your teeth with braces.

  1. Focus on one or two teeth at a time. Brushing your teeth when you have braces can be a challenge. However, if you focus on one or two teeth at time – for about five to ten seconds each – you will know that you have covered all your bases. You will also know that you have removed all the food and detritus that can tend to get trapped.
  2. brushing and flossing with bracesUse a flossing tool. When you have braces, it can be hard to floss your teeth with a single piece of floss. This is because it can be hard to maneuver the floss through the braces. If this is the case, you need a special flossing tool, which holds the piece of floss in one place. With this flossing tool, you can have more control and you can really get into the hard to reach places with more leverage. You can usually find one of these flossing tools at a pharmacy or market – in the cosmetic aisle.
  3. Disassemble any braces or rubber bands before you brush your teeth. When it comes down to it, your braces may have extra parts and features. If this is the case, you want to take everything apart before you brush your teeth. Oftentimes, all that extra stuff can get in the way of the brushing process. Not only that, but once all those extra parts are removed, you can clean them separately.
  4. Visit the dentist every six months. Visiting a dental clinic, like Willis Dental, is critical when you have braces. Only a dentist has the advanced tools needed to clean your teeth and braces thoroughly. Also, only a dentist will know how to clean off all the plaque and tartar, which starts to build up behind your braces.
  5. Use an electric toothbrush. Using an electric toothbrush will give you a lot more teeth brushing power. Not only that, but it will allow you to power wash and clean the areas behind your braces – the area that needs it most. When it comes down to it, a regular toothbrush doesn’t have the same cleaning power. Plus, all that brushing could wear down the bristles. At the end of the day, an electric toothbrush will last longer and it will keep your teeth sparkling white.

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